Difference between Nofollow and Dofollow Basic SEO


Understanding the NoFollow and DoFollow

DoFollow is a term for a web or blog that if we give a comment to the blog then it means we put a link to the blog and counted as a backlink by google.
Nofollow is a term for a web or blog that if we give a comment to the blog then it means we do not put a link to the blog and do not count as backlinks by google. Still others may visit through a link that we put through the comments.

Examples of Difference between Nofollow and Dofollow

To see the difference you have to install the firefox plugin NoDoFollow brother. If you use chrome and activate the plug SeoQuake NOFOLLOW AND STRIKE THROUGH NOINDEX
Now look at the second link below:

Get Qualified Backlink Bloggers
Get Qualified Backlink Bloggers

Both of them look exactly the same, but if you activate the plugin NoDoFollow on firefox or chrome Seoquake on, then the difference will be obvious. In NoDoFollow plugin, which will nofollow and dofollow red will be blue.

NOFOLLOW HTML will look like this:
<a href="http://www.leetblogger.com/2014/01/how-to-get-qualified-backlink-bloggers.html" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Get Qualified Backlink Bloggers</a>
DoFollow HTML will look like this :
<a href="http://www.leetblogger.com/2014/01/how-to-get-qualified-backlink-bloggers.html" target="_blank">Get Qualified Backlink Bloggers</a>
The difference is the red code in bold; rel = "nofollow"

So the next time you hunt backlinks and find a red link, then it means the nofollow link . It is the creator of the template settings from your blog or website. you can not turn it into dofollow. So the only choice is to install all backlinks nofollow or leave it.
On the other hand, if you are the owner of the blog , then of course by understanding the difference between nofollow and dofollow can help you choose the best for your blog.

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  1. Thanks for sharing this news with us !


  2. Nice do follow and no follow links !

