Tips To Increase Google Page Rank

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Such bloggers must really want a high ranking blogs, so many advertisers are willing to put up banner products. After my previous article on google page rank and benefits . So on this occasion I will share a few tips that I use to increase google page rank. To increase page rank backlinks we should seek as much as possible. Here are six tips that you can use to gather backlinks to increase page rank blog.

1. Write a good article and useful

Every visitor that comes to your blog is to read the contents of the article you. If your article is good and beneficial for them. They will bookmark your blog. Thus you will get a backlink from them. Therefore, write a good article and useful for your visitors.

2. Expand the number of pages on the blog

Page rank is not only influenced by the index pages, but also influenced by the number of pages on the blog. Each additional article on your blog will add inbound links (incoming links) to your blog. In addition to violating the ethics of bloggers, article also copy and paste or duplicate content and will not be crawl hated by search engines. So make the original article with your own words. Besides not unethical bloggers. This method can also improve your blog's position in search engine pages.

3. Mutual linking relevant articles

This is almost the same as the 2nd point which aims to increase inbound links to your blog. If you look at some of my articles. You will notice there are links that lead to my old article. It aims to provide a backlink to your blog page.

4. Link exchange

It is the most frequent and most often committed by the bloggers to increase page rank. Because most easily done that I link You, You Link Me . Although this method is easy but a huge waste of time because we have to constantly monitor blogs that we invite link exchange. If your blog is new then this is the best way to get backlinks.

5. Comment on dofollow blogs

On the internet there are many blogs that already adopts a dofollow . The definition of blog is a DoFollow blog that already eliminates the attribute "nofollow" on the comment form. So every time you leave a comment on the blog. You'll get a backlink condition you must comment using the name and address of the blog is not profile bloggers. Also read Nofollow and Dofollow Basic SEO

6. Register your blog to blog directories

Another way to get backlinks is to register your blog to blog directories. In addition to getting backlinks. This method can also increase blog traffic. Examples of the blog directories like Mybloglog , BlogCatalog , and others. To find other blog directories. Please search in Google or downloaded list is here (PDF file) .

Thus had brief tips to increase Google Page Rank, if your friends do not feel the blog go up in ranking, try the above tips. May be useful.

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