How To Change Heading Tag H1, H2, H3 Become SEO Friendly

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Change Heading Tag H1, H2, H3
Seo friendly blog never apart from regular and good structure, mainly lies in setting Heading, H1, h2, h3, h4 and so on. So here we are going to Change Heading Tag H1, h2, h3 Becoming More SEO Friendly . We can see many bloggers or other templates scattered in cyberspace. Among them are those who provide templates that are ready to use for SEO optimization, but also many of them may emphasize on creativity and the value of the template according to the manufacturer's consideration.

If the template has been seasoned in such a way it does not matter to us, just do other optimizations, but if it is not, then this article would be useful for my friend who wants to make the template become more SEO Friendly.

Improve the structure of the title tag will make the blog more SEO Friendly and facilitate search engine robots read the title and content of the article that we post. Well when it is SEO friendly, automatic positioning on search engines blog will continue to improve. This will result in increased traffic by visitors to the blog and it is possible to increasing the number of pageviews.

Before further discussion to Improve Heading Tag Structure in the Template , it helps you know what the tags H1, ​​H2 and H3 and the place was supposed to ease your understanding.
<h1> title or blog title </h1>
<h2> post or article title </h2> 
<h3> blogger widget title </h3>
After learning the functions and the explanation above, let us now proceed to the next stage which is to improve the structure H1 to H3 tag.

Here's how to change the heading tag structure into seo friendly blog:

1. Sign bloggers  ►  Click the Templates  ►  Edit HTML
2. Please find this code  <b:if cond='data:post.title'>  if you have found any change  <h3>  be  <h2> . May code for more than one, depending on each template, so please replaced all!!! See the example below
<b:if cond='data:post.title'>
<h3>  change so  <h2>
<b:if cond=''>
....................... ....
</h3>  change so  </h2>
Still with a heading tag for post title, you find the code below and replace h2 h3 be. Sometimes in some template code will be no additional sentence  itemprop = 'name'  and put h1 tags, keep doing the same thing to replace so h2.
<h3 class='post-title entry-title'>
<h3 class='mobile-index-title entry-title'>
Advanced editing heading tags for widgets, you find the code below and replace h2 h3 so. Actually do not need to be changed too is okay, but make it more SEO friendly just replaced. If there are more than one replaced all.
<!-- only display title if it's non-empty  -->
<b:if cond='data:title != &quot;&quot;'>
<h2 class='title'>
3. Save the template, if the steps above you still do not understand, please comment on this blog.

That was How To Change Heading Tag H1, H2, H3 Seo Friendly Being that I can share. Hopefully the above tutorial can assist in refining the template of your blog in order to become more Seo Search Engine Friendly eyes. That's all and thank you ...

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